My baby girl has learned to catch a ball! About a month ago, the weather took a break from winter long enough that we could go outside for a bit. After about 15-20 minutes of practice, Elena caught the ball! I couldn't believe it. I had her stand up and told her to put her arms out. I took her arms and showed her how to hold them. She kept putting them down so it took awhile to get her to hold them out. She does pretty good at throwing the ball but sometimes throws it behind her.
Elena already knows how to roll and catch the ball while sitting down so the concept was already there. When we play, I either say "One, two, three..." then roll the ball or say "Ready, set, go..." and roll the ball. She loves having me count in English and Spanish. I have her say it too when she rolls or throws it back to me. I encourage her by saying "yay", clapping and making a big deal. I'll say "You caught the ball!"

After she learned to catch the ball standing up, she got so excited and stomped her feet and shouted yay. It was very cute. When the ball hit her face (don't worry, it's soft rubber and full of air), she grabbed it and said "I caught the ball with my face!" It was so cute. She kept doing that with every body part it touched. "I caught the ball with my ear....with my tummy...with my arms...with my nose...with my eyes." Now all she wants to do it play catch. Crossing my fingers these storms stop coming through and it will actually feel like summer.
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