(PIC- Practicing)
I was on a forum and there were a few people asking for advice for getting their 2 year olds walking so I thought I'd put my response on here, in case anyone wants to check it out.
Elena, who's almost 3, didn't start walking independently until about 2 months after she turned 2. In fact, we were at a Halloween store looking for costumes and she just started walking about the store! Everyone was right when they said one day she'd just up and start walking. Just like that. She had the physical strength to walk long before that but was scared. I did tons of exercises with her that made her VERY mad but was worth it. Start very small with letting her hand go while she's standing. Let go for only a couple seconds. Gradually add time. Keep doing this and then add distance between you. It sounds simple but it will take a long time to get her to do it. I know it did with my daughter. Every physical therapy session was filled with screams because she would cling to me for dear life.

(PIC- More practicing while holding onto adult cane for support and child's cane. It took her a long time before she'd hold her cane in front.)
One thing her therapist said to try was to have her hold a ace bandage or something else that stretches and you have the other end. That way she feels some support and comfort but you are still helping. Once she's comfortable with that, try having her hold a toy with no support from you. With Elena, just holding something, even if I wasn't on the other end, made her comfortable enough to try walking. You can also try holding her elbow instead of her hand. The elbow has very few nerves so she'll feel like she's not getting a lot of support but will be. I did this a lot while playing on the floor with her.
We also used musical toys or snacks to motivate her to walk to me. Making a big deal about her walking or even standing is important. You might feel silly at first, I know I did, but I've found it really helps. For Elena, this works better than a treat. I clap and yell "YAY! YOU DID IT! You stood up" and give hugs and kisses. Make sure you tell them what you are praising them for. They might not understand it yet but they will.
(PIC- Walking with the ring gave her confidence to walk by herself.)
I remember, before Elena started walking, I honestly wondered if she'd ever walk. I thought about it all the time and worried constantly. There were times when she didn't seem to be making any progress. I thought I must have been doing something wrong. Thank goodness for Elena's therapists. They kept telling me I was doing everything I was supposed to. They kept me sane! lol.
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