So life has been insane lately. I am going through a divorce which has taken a lot of my time and obviously not put me in the mood to write. Plus school is keeping me busy. Just trying to focus on Elena right now. Elena is two and a half now and amazes me every day. I still find it hard to believe that's it's been that long already. She is growing so fast and doing so many wonderful things.
Her biggest accomplishment has got to be to be that she started walking. It happened right around Halloween.
She's started talking a lot more and I wonder now if she even needs a speech therapist anymore. She's FINALLY pronouncing her P's, B's and sometimes her M's. It's so cute to little to her talk. You can understand most of what she says and she says it with that cute baby voice that makes you just laugh. Can you tell I like how she talks? lol. She sounds more and more grown up every day.
hi thanks for showing me this blog it has really helped me as it shows how clever your little girl is and how she does everything the same a a sighted child would its amazing. you said earlier in your blod that elena was delayed in things like rolling over, sitting up ect can you give me any advice to encourage my little boy to does these things and also how you envolved her in play.
sam x
Does your son have any sight? This will affect what kind of toys and activities would be best for him. Does he have mental delays too? I don't know anything about the diagnosis he has.
ReplyDeletehi thanks your blog has helped son has some light preception in his left eye. and no he doesnt have any mental delays as far as im aware.