Elena started seeing a physical therapist around 6 months old because of her delays. The therapist said that she could physically roll over but was scared to do so. Imagine if you couldn't see what was next to you. Would you want to roll over? You could be rolling off the face of the Earth for all you know! The therapist,Ben, (who's amazing by the way, in case you live in Utah) told me some exercises to do with her at home. It's basically making her roll a lot so she'll get used to it.

One of the exercises he had her lay down either on her back or stomach. I took one arm and put it straight up by the head, against the ear. Then roll. Make sure to tell him/her everything you are doing. ("I'm lifting your arm." "Time to roll over" etc) Verbally encouraging him/her will make him/her want to do it again. You might feel awkward, I did, but make a really big fuss about it. Clap your hands, say "YAY!", tickle the tummy, make a funny rolling song etc. Whatever your baby likes and sees as positive. For me, clapping and shouting Yay usually works for me. I'm currently potty training and she goes nuts when I clap and shout. She even has a potty song that we only sing when she goes potty. She loves music so this is great for her. I don't have to use treats or gifts as encouragement. As always, though, every child is different so just find what works for you. Ben had me do another exercise that was similar but I can't remember it.
Sitting up: To help her strengthen her stomach muscles for sitting, I bought a nursing pillow that had a strap on it that would allow her to partially sit up without sliding down. It worked ok. She didn't like it very much. There was also a couple exercises Ben gave me to help her learn to sit up. As with most of this stuff, a lot is just practice, practice, practice. I can't remember all of the exercises but I do remember he said to teach her to put her weight on her elbow and then hand while sitting up. Ask a pediatric physical therapist in your area and he can help. I wish I was more help. Medicaid pays for physical therapy as long as you have the therapist write that it's medically necessary.
For standing, while holding something, it's a good time for play. Sit on the floor or couch and have her hold your knees. Sing songs, move her hips with your hands, talk, read books. This is also a good thing to teach her/him to stand without holding anything. Just have her hold toys or books while reading and standing. Sing and have her clap. This helps them gain confidence and you are right there to hold if they get nervous. Eventually, you can gradually step back a little so that he/she has to step forward to get the toy, book, etc.
Elena was delayed by at least 3 months (often more) in all her physical milestones. Mentally she seems to be about 6 months behind, in most things. She didn't start walking independently until about 2 months after her second birthday. A lot of how quickly they get the hang of walking, sitting, etc has to do with how often you practice. As soon as Elena could walk, while holding hands, we would go on almost daily walks.
SO....to summarize what I spent a looong blog to say... practice, practice, practice. Hope that helped. :)
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