*sigh* This morning was rough. It started with me waking up late which, you know, is the perfect way to start your day. Then I go to get Elena out of bed and she starts flipping out that she can’t Mr Duckie and I must find him and NOW. Honestly, I’m shocked I didn’t hear screams in the middle of the night when she discovered he was missing. Anyway, so I look on the floor, under blankets, under the stuffed animals, behind the bed, etc all while Elena is screaming that she wants Mr Duckie. After several minutes of looking and knowing that our time is running out if there is any chance of being to school on time, I tell her we’ll have to find it later. Boy, was that a mistake! The screams that came from that child was enough to wake the neighbors. Then came the flailing, throwing her body onto the bed and hitting her head with her feet…yes her feet. With a huge sigh, I take her into my arms and try to calm her while not getting hit. As I’m doing this I see a hint of yellow poking out from under the floor-length curtains. I pull them back and see Mr Duckie! I don’t know how I missed him when I already looked behind the curtains. I give Elena her duck and tears continue, though quieter, for a couple minutes.
Almost immediately after finally getting her Mr Duckie, Elena informs me that she won’t be going to school today. *sigh* It’s gonna be one of those days. I try to cheerfully tell her that school is fun and we both have school, which is also fun and cool. Then she doesn’t want to go to the bathroom. Doesn’t want to get dressed, brush her hair, or put her shoes on. Heck she didn’t even want to sit up so I could wrestle her shoes on. Then it’s more whining and she says she just wants to “stay home with Mom all day”. As much as I loved hearing that, it makes it difficult when trying to get her out the door.
Finally we are in the car and get to school only 5 minutes late which isn’t really that bad. When I get Elena out of the car she is all smiles and I shake my head in disbelief. Her aid meets us at the front door and walks her in. I am still in my PJs, not having had time to change so I rush home to change and head to school myself.
Now my class had ended and I have a few minutes to myself before I have to pick her up from school. Normally I do homework but it’s just one of those days. I wish I could say this behavior is new or rare for Elena but it’s not. Normally, though, I have more time to deal with it before school. Crossing my fingers tomorrow will be better.
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