Sorry everyone for being so bad about updating. School is keeping me pretty busy. This entry will be short. Just a little something about the last couple weeks.
March 1st, Elena got to see SteveSongs thanks to the great people at Kids on the Move. For those that don't know, SteveSongs is a signing program on the local kids channel. He came and sang for about a half hour and then signed pictures for the kids. He was very nice and great with the kids.

I was afraid Elena would cry because I had to wake her from her nap to get to the event on time (She needed to wake up anyway) and she didn't get lunch before we left. I had a couple snacks in my purse but it wasn't enough to keep her happy. Also, when she listens to music she has a habit of crying when the music stops, even if it starts again 5 or 10 seconds later. Once it started though she did great. She sat quietly in my lap and chewed on her fingers (a "lovely" new habit of hers).

Elena is doing well with her physical therapy. She hasn't even gone since December, until a couple weeks ago. She is still having a hard time with balance and is still hesitant to do things on her own. She has gotten better though. She now jumps without holding onto things and is less hesitant at home, where she is familiar with her surroundings. When outside, she still insists on holding my hand. To try to get her to be more confident on her own, I let go of her hang and walk a few steps in front of her and let her find me. She also really enjoys doing Adaptive PE at school and still talks about at home.
Maggie is the same way with music. She LOVES it. Like addicted. I'm pretty sure its just a lot like TV for sighted kids. I'm kind of jealous of that last picture. What a neat way to learn more about balance. Maggie hasn't done PT since she learned to crawl, but she does have O&M. I love their cute tiny canes!