As all parents do, and should, I'm going to have a brag session for a minute. Elena has been doing do many cool things that I just can't help but shout it out to the world, especially since her vision therapist said she's never known a baby at her age (18 months) to be able to do some of the stuff she's doing, regardless of vision problems!! I'm so proud! (Can't ya tell?) lol
Hhhhmmm where should I start? I guess...words. Her vocabulary is growing every day. She's such a fast learner. You only have to tell her something 6-12 times and she's got it for life! I've been trying to keep track of all the words she says like are recognizable. Here they are: shoe, wipes, cereal, star, square, circle, squish, bless you, push, meow, moo, chair, simpsons (Yes she is a Simpons fan!), dada, eat, done, whats up, awesome. There are MANY other words that she says that aren't understandable unless you hear them in context and hang around her all the time. And of course all the words she does say have a "accent" to them. For example, "done" is said "DA!" and "meow" sounds like "ow". She copies almost every word anyone says.
Elena can also tell you what a cat, dog and cow say. Today she learned what a duck says and
Elena not only knows the names of shapes (circle, square, star and almost has down "triangle") but she can also pick them out of her box of shapes, when asked! Her therapist said she doesn't know any at this age who can do that. Today we had a funny experience with the shapes. Elena was holding a toy cow that has shapes on the side of it. Her therapist asked her to bring it to her and show her what she had. Elena turned around toward her. :) Then I asked her where the circle was. Instead of finding the circle on the side of the cow, she immediately pulled herself up to her toy box, found her box of shapes and pulled out the circle while naming it!! It was SO funny and I was SO proud! She's my little baby genius!
She can climb the stairs all by herself and, until she discovered the wall, would zoom up the stairs. She is so close to walking on her own that I just can't stand it. We got her a small pieec of PVC pipe to use as a cane until we can get her one. She seems to be more stable holding that than holding my hand while walking. I keep expecting her to let go of my hand and start walking around the room like it's nothing.
Well I think that's enough bragging for one day. I will hopefully have some video of her awesome skills soon. She senses when the camera is out and stops doing cute stuff. Goodbye for now!
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