So this week was development, vision, and physical therapy. Wednesday I accidently booked vision and physical at the same time. It turned out ok though and Elena did great. She did a lot of walking around with her lion push toy. She loves that thing. We got it for her 1st birthday but she hasn't been able to use it until the last couple months.
Elena does the cutest thing with her loin. While holding onto it, she will walk to the front and push the nose so it will play music. Then she goes back to the purple handle on the back and says "Ush! Ush!" as she pushes it across the room! SO CUTE! I tried getting it on video but the camera was being weird. I'll try it again next time she does it.
Today Elena had her developmental therapist come. She did not stay the whole hour because Elena got really tired and cranky. Elena played with shaped "blocks" and was able to pick out the circle when I asked her to. She called it "circir". :D The circle is definitely her favorite. She didn't seem to interested in the others (square, star, cross, triangle). When I asked her to find the square she put her hands on her
I'm glad Elena has the opportunity to have therapists but it's takes up so much time. I'm so glad they come to the house. That's a big time and hassle saver right there. I am very happy that her therapists think Damon and I are doing a great job and almost every time they comment on how on top of things I am. Often they don't even have anything for me to be working on with her because we're already doing it. A few of them think I should become a therapist since I seem to have a natural gift. I don't know if it's true about the gift but it sure feels good to have someone tell me I'm doing something right.
This is for anyone who wants to know where I got stuff, etc
- The therapists are from a program called Kids on the Move. Their office is on Orem, UT.
- The push toy is from Walmart. It's about $35. There are cheaper ones (around $20) but this one seemed to be more stable.
- The shape blocks are from Walmart. They are $10.
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